Retreats and Holidays

in the green heart of Andalusia

Food for your heart and soul

A gift for yourself


Tribu Del Alma Retreats & Holidays in Andalucia

Welcome likeminded souls. Are you looking for a retreat, a soulfull holiday or a heartwarming tribe gathering filled with love and laughter? We (Felix van der Wissel, Danielle Jaspers, Annemiek & Ray Klaassen, four Dutch friends) started this retreat center to become who we truly are and share this journey with authentic souls.  Tribu del Alma  means soultribe or soulmates in Spanish. A beautiful name describing the feeling of relating to other likeminded souls

From a positive energy, feeling deeply connected as we grow together. Seeing each other’s essence for who we really are, going beyond fear and projecting mechanisms and paying tribute to all of it. Also honouring the magic of life itself. That’s the impact we’d like to make. From the love we are.

And we’ve found the spot to do just that. A beautiful powerful place. A playground where from the moment you arrive you’ll feel held and supported by the peace and silence. Come and play, dance, laugh, cry, be quiet, make sound, walk, eat good food, make music, swim, paint, embrace yourself and one another and so on. Together we dive into the deep, to reveal and experience our deepest pain and hurt as well as your purest form of happiness. Because there where you feel resistance is the space for healing and growth.

We offer different kind of retreats during the entire year which all have the same goal: expand your consciousness, support you in your process of transformation, help you heal your trauma and give your soul the chance to sing and dance with happiness and feel reborn when they’re returning home. Such as our transformation retreat, human design retreat, gathering of men, soul sister retreat and much more.

The retreats are all facilitated by ourselves if not together with other members of our soultribe. We also offer our powerful place of healing to other kindred spirits who might use it for their own gathering, course or retreat. In that case, it’s possible to hire one or more of us as a coach, spaceholder, artist, chef or musician.

Tribu del Alma is in a romantic Andalusian Finca, Pura Vida on the private property of La Hoya. This powerful place has a unique and mesmerizing view as well as deafening silence. Take your time to drink it all in. It gives the feeling of coming home after a long journey. Take breath and relax next to the pool, which feels like a protected oasis because of the surrounding palm trees and nature.

The many seating areas give enough space to connect with others and have beautiful conversations or connect with- and by yourself. Finca Pura Vida lays between two small characteristically white villages Gaucin and San Pablo de Buceite. And is known for being one of the most beautiful walking areas of Europe.

Do you want to join an artist in residence, a holiday, a summer tribe gathering or a retreat but you do’nt know which one is suitable for you or your desires? Please feel free to connect, we might be able to help you. 

Lots of love, Felix, Danielle, Ray & Miek

Retreats for all

Retreats for women only

Your own retreat here

Retreats for men only

Tribu del Alma
